Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Donald Woodward McNamara - an Epilogue

The story is drawing to a close, but the memories will last a lifetime.  These pictures tell their own story.  Click on any photo for a larger view of all.

JoAnn Lower from the Northwood Anchor met us to write the story for the Anchor, and took this photo of some of us.  From Left, Ann and Dale Johnson, Lonna and myself, Kim and Shane, Marv and Shirley.

Shane and Kim are living a new life and have found a huge extended family.

On Memorial Day, Marv lay a wreath in honor of Donald McNamara.  After doing so he stood at attention, then snapped off a salute that spoke volumes about his memories.  Major John Meyer, USAF, retired, seated in this photo, gave a memorable speech about service, sacrifice, and community.

The best photos are the ones when people are not posing.  Marv and Shane shared a moment when most of the cameras had turned away, and this, too, spoke volumes.

The grandchildren of Donald have been told the story just recently, and are proud of their grandfather, whom they never knew, and only recently learned about.  When they are our age they will appreciate it even more and take greater pride.  We hope the NK62 Blog will help them to do that.

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